Is Microsoft Hobbling AI With Its Politics?

How we can save our personal autonomy

Preston Park, J.D.


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As Silicon Valley becomes increasingly authoritarian and seems heck-bent on taking the rest of the country with it, the emergence of AI opens up hopeful opportunities and horrific dangers to society.

Embracing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT, an “artificial intelligence” (AI) program, shows what AI can offer. Developed by OpenAI, it’s designed to communicate with people in a way that sounds human.

Its training involved ingesting vast amounts of internet data to understand language. Thus, it can provide expert-like insights on a wide range of topics based on the information it has acquired up until September 2021.

Microsoft has recently partnered with ChatGPT. The aim? To incorporate ChatGPT’s sophisticated language model into Bing’s search function.

This is wonderful news in one sense. It empowers ChatGPT with real-time access to the latest internet information. With this access, Bing’s users gain a virtual expert, ready to provide information that they would struggle to unearth with current search engines.

The Looming Dangers of Authoritarian Valley AI



Preston Park, J.D.

Preston has over 20 years of experience in software and business intelligence. Now he helps entrepreneurs find their profit-boosting value propositions.